Disaster Recovery Resources

Spiritual first aid for disaster survivors and first responders.

The Beyond Disaster program from the Trauma Healing Institute provides materials to help people recover from natural and man-made disasters. The program integrates best practices in mental health into a biblical framework. We offer resources for survivors, first responders, and churches in several languages. Download free PDF copies, or order printed copies. Beyond Disaster is distributed by American Bible Society in the USA and by other partners worldwide.

Resources for Survivors of Disasters

These Beyond Disaster resources are for survivors of disasters, both in print and digital formats. The main resource is "Beyond Disaster," a guide for emotional and spiritual healing after a disaster. It's available as a booklet in multiple languages, or as a free PDF download. This section also provides a "Beyond Disaster" postcard with basic support information.

Resources for Small Groups and Caregivers of Teens and Children

These Beyond Disaster resources provides materials for small groups and caregivers to help children and teens cope with uncertain times, especially after disasters. It includes guides for group leaders, a self-guided teen workbook, and a family resource with a Biblical perspective. The materials are available in multiple languages.

Resources for Churches

There are also Beyond Disaster resources specifically for churches. We offer "Beyond Trauma," a spiritual first-aid guide adapted for Catholic communities, available in English and Spanish with a downloadable leader guide for both languages. We also offer downloadable cover letters in English, Russian, and Ukrainian provide an overview of the entire "Beyond Disaster" resource suite.

Resources for First Responders

Training Disaster Responders in Spiritual First Aid is a 12-part video series for first responders and others who provide care to survivors of disasters. It will equip you to serve people in crisis using the booklet Beyond Disaster: A Survivor’s Guide for Spiritual First Aid. If you are a responder or caregiver, these videos offer (1) an overview of the Beyond Disaster material; (2) opportunities to experience some of the material personally; (3) practical tips for using Beyond Disaster with individuals and groups; and (4) tools to take care of yourself and avoid burnout as you help others.

“In you, LORD, I have taken refuge”

— Psalm 71:1

The Trauma Healing Institute offers free Bible-based resources to help Ukrainians cope with the trauma of war. It emphasizes that while traditional group therapy might be too intense right now, resources like the "Beyond Disaster" booklet and "God Is With Me" for families can provide emotional and spiritual support. We offer resources in Ukrainian and Russian, and highlights ways to donate to support their Ukraine crisis response.

Help Ukraine Heal